From our friends at
"I'm going to be the biggest pain in his ass."
BonoThat's what Bono warned one year ago if Paul Martin didn't follow through on his promise to commit Canada to set a timetable for achieving 0.7 per cent allocation of Gross National Income to foreign aid.
Guess what? A few days ago, Paul Martin decided to back away from that promise - and Bono's not happy. On CBC Radio this weekend, Bono encouraged all Canadians to CALL PAUL to pressure him to keep his promise:
"I want to give Canada his phone number…. If anyone's listening, I would call Paul. It's 613 992-4211."
Mike, we urgently need you to take up the Bono challenge.
Since last week's campaign bulletin, your efforts helped send over 2000 emails to the Prime Minister urging him to move on this issue.
In the meantime, from the Ottawa Citizen to CBC Radio's "The House", Bono has been encouraging all of us to CALL PAUL. Reuters picked up the story and Bono's challenge has made news all over the globe.
Bono and U2 will rock Vancouver later this week with real-time political action directed at our Prime Minister. That's why we really need to ramp things up.
Here's what you can do right now:
1. Call Paul at 613-992-4211. Tell him you want a firm timetable for achieving 0.7.
2. SEND ANOTHER EMAIL to Paul through the campaign website (your personal information will only be logged once).
3. Then, forward this message to everyone you know and ask them to CALL PAUL TOO.
We have an opportunity RIGHT NOW to press the Prime Minister to make good on his commitment to end poverty.
What will it take? Our goal is to deliver 10,000 phone calls and emails to the Prime Minister's office by the end of this week from Canadians coast to coast. You can be part of making it happen.
So do it - take up Bono's challenge RIGHT NOW!
Thanks Mike, for your support. There is no way we can Make Poverty History without you.
Looking forward to making history... with you.
Pam Kapoor and the MPH Campaign Team
[email protected]
Tel: (613) 241-5293
What are you waiting for?
Call Paul!
Update: The Sun News Group, The Globe and Mail
Come on, Canada. We're usually an apathetic bunch when it comes to our politicians... This is worth the trouble. Make the call and leave us a comment to tell us if when you did.
Update 2: I actually did leave a voice mail... figured that's what everyone did. However, my mother just called to let me know she had a "nice chat" with a real live staffer in the PMO!
So call already.
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