I'm sitting here in the Calgary airport waiting for the bus to Banff, and mulling over last night. I made some notes on the flight this morning, but I'm not going to make the mistake of sharing any half-baked thoughts just yet.
There is one thing that makes more sense to me now. I mentioned the blue glow that spread through GM Place last night as people pulled out their cell phones and dialed the Prime Minister's office. It occured to me then that cell phones are the 21st century version of the "concert lighter", but the reality is they are much more than that. They can be an incredibly powerful tool. I get it now when the folks at MakePoveryHistory say "We don't want your money, we want your voice."
I get it now.
PS. Call Paul!
PPS. I've edited my original Vertigo post to indicate where they shot video during last night's concert.
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