Mike's Note: My wife Sue reflects on last week's mission trip to the DTES of Vancouver...
It's Tuesday morning, and I'm sitting here in the Great Room
reflecting on the awesome week we had together on our first mission trip to the
dtes. The question that is running through my mind is this:
What's in a name?
A name is so many things. It is identity. It can be a form of blessing, as
parents give a name to a new baby. A name can honor a family heritage, a
special or significant person. To know a name, to call another by name is to
give respect and dignity. In the book of Isaiah God says, "Look I've
written your names on the backs of my hands." Names are important.
One of the most amazing experiences of this past week for me was walking around
the community and knowing so many of the women by name, and also hearing them
call out my name. On our first day we walked into the Dtes Women's Centre and
it was like old home week! What a reunion! There were close to 20 women that
day alone who we knew by name and also knew something of their stories. By the
end of the week we had gathered a list of the names of old and new friends that
numbered almost fifty.
Donna, Madeleine, Sarah, Carol, Eleanor, Jen, Edna, Stephie, Suzanne, Anna,
Heather, Elizabeth, Linda, Mary, Charlene, Angel, Daralee, Ruth, Tamika, Rosa,
Gina, Karen, Regina, Lou, Gail, Catherine, Tracey, Adrienne, Elizabeth, Annie,
Leanne, Laurie, Helen, Stephanie, Laura, Tracey, Ofa, Deanna, Sue, Carrie,
Shyan, Evelyn, Lishan, Diana, Alison, Maureen. We would love for you to pray
for any of these women by name.
We are a ministry about connecting in relationship through story and sacred
space. It is always about the one. If we prepared a Journey and only one woman
came, it would be enough. If it was only for one woman that we prepared the
Great Room, it would be enough. I've been thinking alot about the story of the
prodigal son, but I change it in my mind to the prodigal daughter. The
preparation and party and celebration that happened just for her. Jesus leaving
the 99, to go and find the one. In the Kingdom, it is always about the one.
But this past week, God gave us a real gift. It was as if he gathered all the
"ones".........and placed them in front of us to see how, one woman
at a time, we are making a difference that goes beyond just the one. He is
making a difference through us.
Last week was one of the most profound experiences of community I've ever had.
Don't let anyone tell you that there is no community here in the dtes. There
truly is, and I've been so blessed to be a part of it.
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