Our friend Robert recently sent this out to all his clients. I happen to know there's a few spaces left if anyone in the Toronto area is interested in attending. Should be a good night.
The past few months have proven to be some of the most difficult investors have ever faced and there is little doubt we are living in unprecedented times. The bad news has not been confined to investors: job losses have made headlines for months as employers attempt to navigate these new waters by remaining lean and families are feeling the strain of this difficult economy. At Path, we have always provided our clients with a flow of information that is out of the ordinary, something they would not expect from most financial planners. We do this because we believe that assisting our clients' understanding of the issues affecting their finances and their lives is a primary function of our role as advisors. We believe you need consistent, unbiased information to make good decisions, especially during times like these.
For this reason, we are delighted to invite you to attend our inaugural Path Financial WITWIGO?! Evening on March 5th at 7:30 PM located at the Westin Prince Hotel at 900 York Mills Road, east of Leslie.
WITWIGO?! is our acronym for What In The World Is Going On?! because it seems to many people that the world has gone off its rudder and every day, our clients ask us to help them in make sense of events. So, accompanied by delightful refreshments of course, we will ask our experts WITWIGO?!
The speakers will include Peter Drake, Chief Economist, Fidelity Investments Canada, on the current outlook for the Canadian and global economy. Following Peter's talk, we will have four speakers addressing the impact of the recession on the four pillars of modern society:
Human Resources expert Brad Thorman will address the impact of the economic crisis on companies, employers and employees.
Alyson Schafer, parenting expert extraordinaire, will discuss the impact this economy will have on families.
Author, blogger & social commentator Mike Todd will discuss its impact on society and trends he expects to emerge.
Oh and I'll be talking a little, as well. I'm doing the PLAY part.
Our format will be that each speaker will have 20 minutes to deliver their talk because we want you to be informed and have fun and this can be tricky if you've been put to sleep by a droning presenter!
Please let us know if you would like to bring along a friend who may not have another opportunity to hear the current economy addressed from these various perspectives.
This is going to be fun so we'll see you on March 5th!
Please RSVP to Catherine Sutherland ASAP.
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