Arianna Huffington's piece in this morning's HP is well worth the read, but the summary of the article itself could and should form a manifesto for many of us. I've taken the liberty of making some slight edits:
Day by day and depressing statistic by depressing statistic, you can see
America'sthe world's already-frayed safety net ripping apart. That's why it is so urgent to buttress the cash-strapped government programs and charitable groups struggling to provide resources to the growing pool of those in need. Service, volunteerism, and giving are absolutely central to our recovery as anationpeople -- not questions of noblesse oblige. Indeed, while we are trying to move the economy to full capacity through the stimulus package, bailouts, etc., we also need to make sure that our communities are operating at full capacity. Our full capacity of giving. Our full capacity of service. Our full capacity of compassion. AsAmerica'sEarth's Misery Index soars, so must our Empathy Index.
At this stage, I don't even need to add that these days were made to order for the People of God.
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