Recently Wes introduced me to the work of Nic Askew, and I've become a big fan. And Seth Godin's stuff I've appreciated for a long time, so it goes without saying that I love this short film.
Are you a fundamentalist in your thinking, or are you curious? Seth's ideas in this video brought me right back to the "questians" image I saw over at Bill Dahl's place just yesterday. When it comes to matters of faith, do we embrace questions in order to grow and learn, or do we first screen them through our rigid, existing lens in order to eliminate the ones that don't fit our concrete, bounded structure?
Speaking of Bill, and speaking of questions, check out Bill's recent interview with Brian McLaren. Brian's new book, in which he asks 10 huge questions, is out on Feb. 9. (And although I held a galley in my hand last week in Jerusalem, I avoided the temptation to steal it. I'll just have to wait until the 9th like everyone else. The image of Brian below was taken in the Judean Wilderness somewhere between Jericho and Jerusalem.)
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