I've been listening to Peter Gabriel's new album Scratch My Back for a couple weeks now, ever since Bill Kinnon twittered about it. In short, I love it.
And now my friend Steve Stockman (you'll recall Steve as the author of Walk On: The Spiritual Journey Of U2) has posted his review, putting words to the reasons I love it. As Steve puts it, Gabriel has created a lament for the 21st century. Steve, that is it exactly. (As an aside, if you love music, you need to follow Steve's blog. His insights are powerful and profound.)
Steve put the word lament to it, which brings me to something else I've been listening to this morning.
Also a couple weeks back, my friend Steve Frost of TWOTP, to my great envy, traveled to Texas to hang out with Walter Brueggemann for a few days. In this clip Walter talks about dwelling in loss (as opposed to dwelling on loss) which to me is the true meaning and purpose of lament. Really good stuff.
Providing A Safe Place from The Work Of The People on Vimeo.
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