This popped into my Inbox just this morning. In a perfect world I would reverse the order of these 2 quotes, but I think they compliment each other quite well; the macro view and our part in it.
Bearing Witness to the Cosmos
In order to understand what the interior, or spiritual , dimension of evolution is all about, you have to pause and stand back for a moment. Stand back and dare to bear witness to the majesty of the creative process as a whole—the miracle that emerged from nothing in a burst of light and energy 14 billion years ago. Bear witness to the glory and inconceivable creative power of this cosmic process that ultimately gave rise to the conditions that made it possible for you to have the experience you are having in this very moment. And then pay attention to the experience of being alive when you step this far outside the normal narrow sphere of your daily awareness. Realize the enormity of what it means to exist from this expanded perspective. What you will notice is that inherent in the vastness of it all is a powerful driving ecstatic urgency. That ecstasy and that urgency is the felt sense that the entire creative process is moving. It's going somewhere all the time.
Andrew Cohen, Blog Post: When The New Year Doesn't End
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