Richard Rohr sent out this missive a couple days ago, and I was reminded again of the beauty and brilliance that is the book of Wisdom. (One of the reasons that I love my Catholic Bible, and further proof that The Canon of Scripture is not closed and never will be, and is after all a human construct!)
All that is hidden, all that is plain I have come to know, instructed by Wisdom who designed all things. — Wisdom 7:21
The irony of ego “consciousness” is that it always excludes and eliminates the unconscious—so it is actually not conscious at all! It insists on knowing, on being certain, and it refuses all unknowing. So most people who think they are fully conscious (read “smart”) have a big leaden manhole cover over their unconscious. It gives them control but seldom compassion or wisdom.
That is exactly why politicians, priests, CEOs of anything, know-it-alls, must continue to fail and fall (spiritually speaking) or they never come to any real wisdom. The trouble is that we have to put up with them in the meantime and wait for another growth spurt. Sometimes that very power position makes failing and falling quite rare and even impossible for them.
Adapted from A Lever and a Place to Stand: The Contemplative Stance, the Active Prayer
(One of my favorites from Richard.)
And while The Book of Wisdom is not The Book Of Love, I was nevertheless reminded of this beautiful cover by Peter Gabriel. (For many reasons, not just the title.)
So for your listening pleasure...
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